Saturday, November 3, 2012

Synergy on a Paris billboard...and RELEASE DATES

I saw this huge billboard for SKYFALL in Paris on 1st November.  It's synergy, as it's also advertising OMEGA watches too.  But it made me think about release dates.  Did Skyfall get a global release?  well, no as it happens:

UK and most of Europe: 26th October 2012
SOUTH AMERICA: 2nd November
USA: 8th November (IMAX) 9th November other screens
AUSTRALIA & NZ: 22nd November
JAPAN: 2nd December

So Skyfall didn't get the benefits of a GLOBAL SIMULTANEOUS RELEASE, a strategy which aims to at once create maximum hype globally, whilst limiting possibilities for pirate copies of the film in territories where it's not yet been released.

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